Assignment Notes
Website Subject:
Personal Portfolio
Website Purpose:
To create a visually engaging online portfolio that can be used for job applications. The website will combine text and images to vividly showcase my work experience, project achievements, personal interests, and aspects of my personal life.
Website Goals:
Provide hiring managers with a clear and comprehensive view of my work experience and skills.
Target Audience:
Marketing managers and HR professionals.
Website Description & Strategy:
Use a combination of text and images to present my professional experience and
Incorporate personal interests and lifestyle elements through visuals to deepen the audience’s impression of me.
Hosting Provider Selection Rationale:
I have selected DreamHost as my hosting provider for the following reasons:
DreamHost offers comprehensive services in its basic plan, meeting the needs of this assignment.
It has built-in compatibility with WordPress, which aligns well with my intended website-building tools.
DreamHost provides great value for its pricing. The first three months cost CAD 7.12 monthly, making it an affordable option. Additionally, if I am dissatisfied with the service during the assignment, I can cancel after three months with minimal financial loss.